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Chevrolet Trax Problems & Complaints: Are the Issues Worth Buying It?
First introduced to the automobile industry in 2013, the Chevrolet Trax has been a mainstay in the world of crossover SUVs for over a decade now.
Chevrolet manufactured the Trax as a replacement for the less popular Chevrolet Tracker. The Trax quickly surpassed the Tracker’s sales and became a popular choice for young families and new drivers who wanted a small SUV that was safe and practical, but that wouldn’t break the bank.
Part of its popularity is the fact that it is capable of holding five passengers comfortably while also providing for ample storage space in the large trunk section behind the second row of seats.
It is also priced at a reasonable manufacturer’s retail price. The standard trim level retails for around $21,000 while a fully-loaded model can be as much as $24,000. This is considered a below-average cost for an SUV vehicle of this size, which may be a big reason the Chevrolet Trax is as popular as it is.
But, the Trax has also had a history of some pretty significant problems. In fact, the 2022 year will be the last time that Chevrolet manufactures the Trax and is not planning on replacing it with another roll-out of the model.
Many experts believe that this decision to discontinue the Trax is based on the issues that owners have repeatedly had, and that the reviews have not always been as positive as Chevrolet would like.
That said, there are plenty of Trax still out there, so if you decide that this is the car for you, buying a used one shouldn’t be difficult.
But let’s look more closely at some of those issues so you can decide if the Trax is worth the money and should be your next vehicle.
1. The Chevrolet Trax Has Had Ongoing Transmission Malfunctions
Perhaps the most common issue that many owners of the Chevrolet Trax have reported is the transmission malfunctioning.
A car’s transmission is one of the most critical parts of the engine and can be incredibly expensive and complicated to repair or even rebuild.
Your transmission is what allows the combustion from the engine to actually move your vehicle. Without a properly functioning transmission, your car will have serious issues, or possibly not operate at all.
Most simply put, a transmission is what allows you, as the driver, to control how fast or slow your car is going to go, without having to adjust the speed at which the engine is running.
All of the belts, gadgets and gears of a transmission need to be working together in order for the magic to happen. When one or more of these parts break or are damaged, your transmission will no longer be able to do its job effectively.
With the Chevrolet Trax, many of the transmission problems have had to do with faulty gears and belts that wear out more quickly than they should. Though we all know that belts are going to have to be replaced at some point, the rate at which the Chevrolet Trax needs belt replacing is a deal breaker for many potential buyers.
Another often cited problem with the Trax’s transmission is its shifting issues. Many past owners have complained about the Trax getting stuck in a gear and not being able to shift out of it, a problem that not only signifies serious issues but can be a huge safety issue as well.
This has been mainly an issue when drivers have shifted the Trax into reverse and the transmission won’t respond.
Having a vehicle that is having transmission issues from the beginning is probably going to give most people pause and turn to another option for their next car purchase.
2. The Chevrolet Trax Has Had an Above-Average Body Roll
Though not as concerning as having a faulty transmission, the next issue with the Chevrolet Trax is still problematic and may make you think twice before you purchase one.
All cars have some degree of body roll, but many complaints have been made that the Chevrolet Trax has a disproportionate amount of body roll, making it an uncomfortable experience for many drivers and passengers.
Body roll is when you turn your vehicle into a corner and the vehicle’s weight is shifted in the direction of your turn.
As the car leans into the turn, your body naturally leans away, allowing yourself to stay balanced and centered in the vehicle.
And while some body roll is important for the overall car’s suspension and comfort while on the road, too much body roll can be disconcerting.
Too much body roll can especially be uncomfortable for drivers and passengers in larger vehicles, since the feeling of rolling too far can make a car’s occupants feel like the car is going to tip, or that they have lost some control of the vehicle.
A Chevrolet Trax is considered only a midsize SUV, but it still sits high enough off the road to make any excessive body rolling feel unpleasant to the people inside.
Some people don’t mind excessive body roll in a car. They may feel as though it makes the ride a bit smoother, as the car is body rolling in order to make up for any bumps and jostles that a less-than-perfect roadway may be presenting.
But, if you are the type of driver who feels best when you have a good sense of control when you’re behind the wheel, then a vehicle like a Chevrolet Trax may not be ideal for you, since the body roll is pretty significant.
3. The Chevrolet Trax Has Had Ongoing Wheel Alignment Issues
A third potential deal breaker for someone considering buying a Chevrolet Trax is the reported issues that owners have had with the wheel alignment being a challenge to deal with.
When our car’s wheels are out of alignment, a host of troubles can occur.
Not only will misaligned tires wear out more quickly, and need to be replaced more often, they could also become damaged enough that a tire blow-out results.
Anyone who has ever seen (or been involved in) a tire blowing out knows that this is definitely not something to be taken lightly.
Wheel alignment issues can also mean that your car is going to drift much more easily while you're driving. Even if you think you are safely in your lane, your misaligned wheels may be pulling you to the center or side of the road without you even realizing it.
Obviously, drifting is also a huge safety concern. It’s also just annoying to constantly be wrestling with your steering wheel and tires when trying to stay on the road.
Having your tires checked and periodically aligned is a typical part of car maintenance and ownership. But, if a car has an exceptionally difficult time staying aligned, even the best mechanic may struggle to get your tires to work properly, no matter how many times you take it into the shop.
Normally, most cars will need their tires aligned every two to three years. Doing this on a regular basis shouldn’t cost you more than $75 to $125, depending on the type of car you have and the age of your tires.
But for many Chevrolet Trax owners, this expense might be significantly greater. And may not give them the results they’re looking for even after they leave the mechanics shop.
About The Author

Charles Redding
I've spent many years selling cars, working with auto detailers, mechanics, dealership service teams, quoting and researching car insurance, modding my own cars, and much more.
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