Table of Contents
What is Tire Pressure?
Tire pressure is simply the atmospheric pressure inside the car tire. It’s typically measured in pounds per square inch (PSI) or kilopascals (kPa). Tire pressure serves various roles in a vehicle including:
Having the correct tire pressure offers cushioning for a comfortable and smoother ride, better fuel efficiency, and quicker steering response. On the other hand, an underinflated or overinflated tire can cause several issues such as potential tire failure, premature tread wear, and even accidents.
It reduces road friction while enabling rolling resistance, which is essential in better fuel economy as less heat, is generated when the tire pressure is correct.
More importantly, the right tire pressure can prevent unnecessary and uneven tire wear that can arise as a result of excessive friction when the tire is underinflated. In most cases, under inflation will accelerate tread wear, especially on the outer edges of the tire. Differently, over inflation wears the central part of the tire and can negatively affect the steering response of the vehicle.
The Importance of Maintaining the Correct Tire Pressure
Having the correct tire pressure is essential in optimizing the overall tire performance and fuel economy of your vehicle. It allows you to experience tire comfort, durability, and optimal performance that are designed to match your vehicle’s needs.
With the correct tire pressure, the tread and sidewall flexing that comes into contact with the road will remain as originally designed and any unnecessary damage on the tire will be prevented. The right tire pressure stabilizes the tire’s structure while enhancing its handling, traction, and responsiveness. It can also help manage any heat buildup and the tire’s rolling resistance will be optimal.
How Much Does Tire Pressure Affect Gas Mileage?
Again, your car will feel heavier if the tire pressure is low and the car can become very unstable even at low speeds and can become worse when driving on a highway. Worst still, low tire pressure will negatively affect the car’s performance and fuel economy. According to the US Department of Energy, your car’s fuel consumption will increase by 0.2% for every PSI that’s reduced. To put it into perspective, if your car’s recommended tire pressure is 32 PSI but it falls to 20 PSI, the car’s fuel economy will be worse by 1.5%.
How Checking Your Air Filter and Tire Pressure Help Reduce Your Emissions
Maintaining properly inflated tires is known to help you save about 3% on fuel. This will not only lower your car’s tailpipe emissions but will also ensure that your tires last longer and wear evenly.
Similarly checking your air filter regularly is essential in reducing your emissions. When your car’s air filter is clogged, it means that the airflow to the engine is significantly reduced and the engine can’t breathe properly. This may not only cause premature wear and tear but may increase your carbon emissions and this is something that you don’t want.
Where Can I Get My Tire Pressure Checked?
While you can do it yourself, you can have your car tire pressure checked at a gas station as long as they offer car check services. You can also have your car tire pressure checked at most auto parts stores.
Where Can I Get My Tire Pressure Checked for Free?
Generally, it will cost you about $1.50 to use a public air compressor, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t get your tire pressure checked for free. So if you do not want to pay the $1.50 or $2 that many gas stations charge, you can look for regional gas stations that offer free air. A good place to start is at where you can quickly find free air tires near you.
You can also get free tire pressure check at Goodyear Auto Service with services including:
- Inspecting your tires for premature tread wear, leaks, or any other pressure-related damage
- Checking for over-or-under-inflated tires
- Ensuring that your tires have the PSI as recommended by your car’s manufacturer
What Should My Tire Pressure be?
The recommended tire pressure for most passenger cars ranges between 30 and 35 PSI when they’re cold. However, the optimal tire pressure for your car is written on a label that’s placed on the driver’s door. Some car manufacturers place this label in the glove box, in the doorpost, or on the edge of the driver’s door.
This label will show you recommendations for the front and rear tires as well as the spare tire. You should stick to the recommendation on this label. If you’ve, however, changed the OEM tires and are unsure of the recommended PSI of the current tires, here is what to do.
The maximum PSI or safe tire pressure of the tire itself is embossed on the sidewall of the tire. This is what you can use but keep in mind that it can cause excessive tire wear and an undesirable driving feel.
What Should Your Bike Tire Pressure be?
The right tire pressure for your bike allows your bike to roll quickly, ride smoothly, and avoid unnecessary flats. But this may depend on the type of bike that you have. For example, narrow tires may need more air pressure than wider ones. Other factors such as your body weight should be factored in.
Mountain bikes should have tire pressure ranging from 25 to 35 PSI while typical road bikes should range from 80 to 130 PSI. Hybrid tires should range from 40 to 70 PSI. The most important thing is to never go below or above what the manufacturer recommends and this is often found on the sidewall of the tire.
How to Check Bike Tire Pressure
Your bike tire pressure is one of the most important things to pay attention to if you are a cyclist. And because the tires are what make your bike move, you should make sure that they’re properly inflated for your riding situation.
But how can you check your bike tire pressure? While it’s always safe to use a tire gauge, you may not always have it with you. This shouldn’t prevent you from checking the bike tire pressure. You can simply squeeze the tire on each side using your thumb and forefingers. You should deem the tire pressure to be alright if you can barely squeeze it in.
For more precise information, you can use a tire pressure gauge to check the tire pressure and determine or not you should add more air pressure or deflate it. You have to know the bike PSI range before placing the tire gauge on the valve and pressing down. This will make the needle on the tire gauge move and show the pressure. You can then alternate between the gauge and the air pressure until you attain the desired tire pressure.
How Pumping Air into a Bicycle Tire Increases the Pressure within the Tire
When you pump air into a bike’s tire, the gas molecules inside the tire will compress and pack close together. This will then increase the pressure of the gas, which then starts pushing against the walls of the tire and you’ll start feeling the tire becoming pressurized and tighter.
How to Check Tire Pressure Presta Valve
Also known as French valves, Presta valves are usually found on high-performance bikes and are quite different from automotive valves or Schrader valves found on touring bicycles. You can check your bike’s tire pressure using the Presta valve by simply attaching a pump with a pressure gauge.
All you have to do is attach the floor pump and push the handle down slowly to allow air from the pump to push the valve diaphragm open without thwarting the pressure and the reading displayed by the pump gauge will be quite close.
How to Check Nitrogen Tire Pressure
Scientifically speaking, the air is filled with 70% nitrogen, so there’s no difference when checking nitrogen-filled tires or when checking normal compressed air-filled tires. The only difference is that nitrogen molecules are a bit larger than oxygen molecules, so it’s more difficult for nitrogen to leak out of your tires.
This doesn’t mean that it won’t leak out; it will leak out but more slowly than normal oxygen. Other than that, you have to do everything normally, check your tires regularly, and follow the recommended PSI whether you are using standard compressed air or nitrogen.
What Should the Tire Pressure be on a Motorcycle?
When it comes to the tire pressure of a motorcycle, the type of tire can make a huge difference in the tire pressure. For instance, the big and fat tires found on UTV and ATV motorcycles are typically low-inflation tires and may correctly hold between 2 and 10 PSI.
Differently, the street motorcycle tires have tire pressure ranging between 28 and 40 PSI while the smaller diameter trailer tires may hold up to 60 PSI.
How to Check Motorcycle Tire Pressure
Now that you know that tire pressure might increase when they gain heat, you should always check the tire pressure of your motorcycle when they’re cold. Here’s how to go about the process.
- Access the valve stem, which pokes up from the inner surface of your wheel rim.
- Unscrew it by turning it anti-clockwise to remove the cap.
- Ensure that the valve stem is clean before inserting the tire pressure gauge carefully and pressing down onto the valve stem.
- Make sure that the gauge is reset to zero so that you can read it accordingly.
- Once you are sure of the air pressure in your tire, you can inflate or deflate according to the recommended tire pressure.
- If you have to deflate it, press down on the pin at the center of the valve stem before using the gauge to ensure that the tire pressure is at the recommended level.
How Many Pounds of Pressure in a Front Tire Motocross?
Also known as dirt bikes, the recommended tire pressure for motocross should be 12 PSI but this may depend on your particular situation.
When to Check Tire Pressure
According to tire experts, you should check your tire pressure when the tires are cold, especially in the morning. This is after staying parked overnight or after three hours after driving. The idea here is that friction from driving can cause the tires to heat up and this might affect the pressure.
How to Read Tire Pressure Sticker
All vehicles have a tire placard with information about the ideal tire specifications and tire pressure. Generally, you can find this placard on the driver’s door jamb, the glove box, under the bonnet, inside the fuel cap, or in the car’s manual.
On the placard, you’ll find the following:
- Minimum recommended cold pressure
- Pressure in Kilopascals (kPa) or Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). The conversion is 1 PSI = 7kPa
You should inflate your tires to the maximum numbers shown on the sticker. You should also make it a habit of checking your tire pressure at least once every two weeks.
How to Check Tire Pressure
Knowing how to check tire pressure is of great importance as far as your safety and keeping your tires in good working condition is concerned. It’s important to always remember to check the tire pressure when they’re cold. The idea here is that the friction that occurs between tires and the road when you’re driving generates heat, which then increases both the air pressure and temperature.
For this reason, you can only attain an accurate tire pressure reading when the tires are cold. You should, therefore, let the car sit overnight or at least park for a couple of hours before checking the tire pressure.
Tires are also known to lose up to 1 PSI every month, so you must check all the tires, including your spare at least once a month or before a long trip. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your tire pressure.
- Check inside the driver’s side door jamb or your car’s owner’s manual for the recommended tire pressure.
- Inflate the tires to the recommended tire pressure. Make sure that you do this when the tires are cold such as in the morning when the car has been sitting the whole night. You can also let the tires cool for four hours in a cool place.
- Unscrew the cap on the valve stem. You can consider having a few valve stem cap spares so that you’re still covered when you misplace one.
- Insert the tire gauge pressure into the valve stem on your tire. You can do this by pressing the tire gauge against the valve stem in a swift motion to make a connection that seals completely. Just make sure that the pressure gauge is evenly and firmly pressed onto the stem.
You can choose one of the following types of tire pressure gauges:
Digital pressure gauge – It can start reading your tire’s pressure immediately with the numbers displayed on a digital screen.
Dial pressure gauge – It has a numbered dial with a watch-like hand. You can read the gauge like you would a watch.
Pen-type pressure gauge – It has a ruler-like rod that slides in and out of a sleeve-like pocket to measure air pressure. Read the number on the rod that pops out of the sleeve-like pocket.
You can then read the gauge to determine whether or not the tire pressure is within the recommended limits. You should repeat this process three or four times to ensure that the tire pressure is within the recommended limits.
You can inflate the tire with an air compressor usually found in service centers and gas stations if the tire pressure is lower than recommended.
You can release air from the tire if it’s higher than recommended. You can use a small dot on the gauge to press the center of the valve stem to release air until it reaches the recommended limits.
How to Bypass Pressure Monitor
We all know that having the tire pressure light illuminate on your dashboard can be quite frustrating. So if you want to do away with the TPMS sensor, you can bypass or disable the TPMS system in your car.
The best way to do this is by having a TPMS bypass system installed in your car to disable the TPMS sensor and low tire pressure light.
How to Calculate Tire Pressure
Calculating the best tire pressure for your car tires requires some basic math. Here’s what to do.
- Read the manufacturer’s maximum inflation on the side of the tire.
- Calculate 10% of this amount. For instance, the maximum PSI is 44, then 10% of 44 is 4.4
- You can then subtract the 10% value from the maximum PSI. In this case, 44 – 4.4 = 39.6
- Your car tire pressure should, therefore, be 39.6 PSI.
What is Cold Tire Pressure?
Tires are generally said to be cold when the vehicle has been parked the whole night or for not less than three hours. This can also refer to when the car has been driven for less than a mile at moderate speed and the tires have not warmed up.
Cold tire pressure is the ideal way to measure your tire pressure as it is not affected by the temperatures. You have to keep in mind that your tire pressure is likely to increase by 1 PSI for each 10 Fahrenheit degree increase in temperature and this can affect your tire pressure.
What Temperature is Cold Tire Pressure?
There’s no specific temperature considered cold. The recommended cold inflation pressure is typically displayed on the placard located on the driver’s door jamb or the owner’s manual. This is basically the temperature at which the recommended tire pressure should be inflated.
Is Tire Pressure Higher when Hot?
Heat can, without a doubt, have huge effects on your tires. This is because the air pressure in tires is likely to increase as the temperature increases. The same when it becomes cold, your tire pressure is likely to increase by 1 PSI if there’s a 10-degree increase in temperatures.
Although the tire might not give out, this over-inflation can cause a big difference as the tire may wear out prematurely and the braking may have issues too.
The Air Pressure of a Tire is 109 kPa, What is the Pressure in the Atmosphere?
Scientifically speaking, air pressure is essentially a parameter that can be used to quantify the amount of force that exerted over a certain surface. As such, air pressure can be expressed in Newtons per square meter but a gas, which is a unit of pressure, includes atmosphere and kilopascals.
With that in mind, the amount of air pressure in the atmosphere is 1.08 atmosphere for a tire that is 109 kPa.
What is the Coefficient of Rolling Friction for the Tire Under Low Pressure?
Various factors that affect friction include:
- Molecular friction
- Surface irregularities, and
- Elastic deformations
This is one of the main reasons why car tires are made of rubber and not other materials such as steel or iron. The idea here is that iron and steel cannot deform in the same way when pressure is applied on them as rubber would do, so using such materials would make it quite difficult to control the car.
With that in mind, rubber is used in making car, bike, and motorcycle tires so that it can make it a lot easier to control. Here are some typical examples of coefficients of rolling friction.
How Much Air Pressure Should be in a Tire?
Typically, most car tires require about 32 to 35 PSI of air but this may depend on the weight of the car as well as other specifications. The air pressure might differ for front and rear tires. There are two reasons for this: handling and loading but it may also depend on the vehicle.
Handling: Air pressure is essential if you want to fine-tune the handling of your car. Generally, the manufacturer will recommend that the rear tires have more pressure to ensure fine handling of the car but it’s rarely more than 2 PSI. Car manufacturers normally recommend 35 PSI for front tires and 38 PSI for rear tires. This is essential for better tire life, better gas mileage, and proper mileage.
Load: Most car manufacturers recommend more air pressure in the rear tires to allow for more weight to be carried at the back. So even if you do not carry anything in the trunk of your car, do not be too quick to lower the PSI that’s recommended by the manufacturer. Well, this may affect the proper handling of your vehicle.
How Much Air Pressure is in a Donut Tire?
A donut tire is essentially a spare tire that is intended to provide you with a means of transportation until you get to a mechanic and have your tire changed. Its recommended tire pressure is 60 PSI but it’s always a good idea to have it checked since it always sits for a long time without being checked.
What is the Recommended Tire Pressure for 51 PSI Max?
Your car tires probably say 51 PSI max on the sidewall and you’re probably wondering what pressure would be ideal for your car. Well, tire experts recommend 43 to 45 PSI for 51 PSI max tires. This can, however, change depending on certain factors.
For example, you can drop to the reasonable 38 PSI if the 43-45 PSI makes the ride too stiff or rough. If you’re planning to carry a heavier load, you can go closer to 47-49 PSI. But in normal circumstances, you may want to stick to 43-45 PSI, which is 10% of what 51 PSI max tires can handle.
In essence, it’s not advisable to inflate your tires to the maximum of 51 PSI. This generally indicated the total amount of pressure that the tire can hold but you should stick to the tire pressure recommended by your car’s manufacturer.
What is the Recommended Tire Pressure for 80 PSI Max?
Unlike cars, heavier vehicles such as minivans and lighter trucks often specify very high air pressure, especially for their oversized tires. It all depends on the load range. For example, the maximum inflation of the 285 in the D range should be 65 PSI while the maximum inflation of the 265 in the E range is 80 PSI. But because of the larger air volume of the 285, the maximum inflation of these different tires still have the same weight capacity.
But even with that, an 80 PSI max tire seems to do best when you maintain a 50-60 PSI range. You may get a pretty hard ride and handling you go to 70 PSI as this can lead to unnecessary stress on your vehicle’s shocks and general suspension components.
What is the Recommended Tire Pressure for 44 PSI Max?
If your tires are 44 PSI max, you should maintain a 39.6 PSI. While you can safely inflate the tire to the maximum pressure, it might not give you the best performance, handling, or ride.
What is a Good Tire Pressure?
When it comes to good tire pressure, you should always keep in mind that the tire’s maximum PSI isn’t its right or recommended pressure. The idea here is that the tires are at risk of wearing prematurely and irregularly at their maximum inflation pressure since they have less contact with the road.
Again, they will wear out in the middle of the tread surface and might tend to be bouncy on the road. This will not only affect the car’s handling but may also increase braking distance while reducing traction. As such, good tire pressure is recommended by your car’s manufacturer and it tends to be 30 to 35 PSI for most cars.
What is Low Tire Pressure?
Low tire pressure simply refers to a situation where your car’s tire pressure is too low and could lead to poor performance on the road and less fuel efficiency. This means that the tires are underinflated and not working optimally. It could also lead to tire wear and premature tire failure and this is something that you don’t want.
What Causes Low Tire Pressure?
Low tire pressure could be a result of a leak. The low tire pressure could also occur from the tendency of the tire to lose almost a pound of air pressure monthly. Tires are also known to lose about a pound of air pressure for every 10-degree drop in temperature. So even if your tires have not suffered any form of puncture, chances are you’re likely to suffer low tire pressure if there’s a significant drop in temperatures.
The table below briefly highlights some problems, causes, and solutions for low tire pressure.
How Low is Too Low for Tire Pressure?
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of suffering a tire blowout, you certainly know how traumatic it can be. A blowout is generally very sudden and unexpected and can make you lose control of your car and lead to a very severe accident. This can happen when the tires are deflated and more rubber touches the ground, thereby making the tires heat up.
And as we noted earlier, the tire pressure of your car might change by 1 PSI for every change of 10 degrees in the surrounding temperature. Let’s put it into perspective. If your car tires are at 33 PSI when the temperature is 75 degrees, it could drop to 28 PSI if the temperature drops to 25 degrees at night and that’s too low.
As such, your tire pressure is considered to be too low if it drops by more than 10 percent of your recommended tire pressure.
How Low Tire Pressure is Safe to Drive on?
You run the risk of completely damaging your tires and even endangering yourself when you drive on low tire pressure. That being said, it’s NEVER safe to drive on low tire pressure. The best thing to do when you realize that you have low tire pressure is to park as soon as it’s safe to do so and have the tires checked and filled to the recommended tire pressure.
However, anything that’s below 25% of the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure is considered potentially dangerous if not severe. Again, the lowest tire pressure you can drive on is 20 PSI for normal cars or standard passenger tires. Anything below that is a flat tire and you risk having a serious blowout.
How Long Can You Drive with Low Tire Pressure?
You should NOT drive your car with low tire pressure or on a flat tire. It’s not only dangerous but it can also damage your rim, tire, and/or TPMS sensor. As a result, you may have to spend more money than you’d have otherwise spent.
But if you have to drive with low tire pressure, especially when you experience a tire blowout on a highway, make sure that you drive slowly for a very short distance. You should drive with your hazard lights on and only to get you out of the road to safety.
How Tire Pressure Affects Handling
The right air pressure is essential in helping in distributing the load of the car uniformly across the tread patterns of the tires. This is to ensure that the car is at its most stable. On the other hand, having an under-inflated or over-inflated tire can make your car lose stability, which will then negatively affect your cornering, stopping, and more importantly, handling.
Under-inflated tires will also make the tire wear unevenly, especially on the outside edges of the treads. Similarly, an over-inflated tire will wear down the middle of the tread. Whatever the situation, low tire pressure will affect your handling.
How to Fix Low Tire Pressure
One of the main reasons why car and tire manufacturers recommend motorists to keep the right tire pressure is safety. With low tire pressure, the overall stability of the car will be adversely affected. This is because the tires become softer and the handling less responsive.
Driving on low tire pressure can also accelerate the tread wear of your tires, which will quickly make the tires useless, particularly if you regularly drive on wet surfaces. This means that you’ll have to replace the tires sooner than expected and this might be costly in the long run.
The Required Equipment
Filling your car tires to the recommended tire pressure can be a straightforward process if you know what to do and have the required equipment. As noted a couple of times, make sure that you measure the tire pressure when the tires are cold, especially in the morning. Do not measure the tire pressure after a long ride.
You’ll, of course, need a tire pressure gauge and most of them are quite affordable nowadays. Besides, it’s tiny so you can keep it in the car trunk together with the spare tire. You’ll also need an air pump to inflate the tire. You can choose an automatic air pump, which is usually found at the gas station or the service centers. Automatic air pumps are more convenient and make the job a lot easier and faster.
You also have the option of choosing the less expensive hand-and-foot-operated air pumps. But unlike the automatic air pumps, hand-and-foot-operated air pumps are less convenient and will require more force, and may take more time.
Now, here’s what to do to fix low tire pressure.
Step One: Remove the Valve Stem Cap
You should unscrew the plastic cap that’s used to seal and protect the valve stem. Make sure that you keep the plastic cap safely as you may have to use it later. You can also consider having some extra plastic caps just in case because they seem to have a way of getting lost.
The main importance of the plastic cap is to protect the valve stem and prevent dirt and debris from getting into the valve stem and get in the way next time you want to measure the tire pressure or inflate your tires.
Step Two: Measure the Tire Pressure Using a Tire Pressure Gauge
Insert the end hose of the gauge on the valve stem and push firmly and as hard as needed and make sure that a hissing sound is nonexistent. Check the reading on the gauge and note it down.
Step Three: Check the Recommended Tire Pressure for Your Car
Every car has its recommended tire pressure, which is written on the door jamb on the driver’s side. You can then compare the existing tire pressure to the recommended tire pressure.
Step Four: Inflate the Tires
If the existing pressure is lower than the recommended tire pressure, you’ll have to inflate the tire using the air pump. Insert the end hose of the air pump into the valve stem. Make sure that you firmly press it in place until there’s no hissing sound.
Some air pumps will require you to hold the tip of the hose and insert it firmly into the valve stem. You can then pump for a while as you check the tire pressure every 15 or 20 seconds.
You should make sure that you do not over inflate the tire. And even if you do, just use a sharp object to press the core of the valve stem and deflate the tire. Just make sure that you reach the recommended tire pressure and place the plastic cap back over the valve stem.
How to Check Tire Pressure at a Gas Station
Most gas stations have service stations where you can check the pressure of your car tires. They have special gauges, which generally seem quite intimidating but are a lot easier to use than you might think.
In fact, most gas stations have detailed instructions that will walk you through each step of the process. Additionally, there is always a service staff member who you can ask to help you check out your tires or even use the air pressure gauge if you don’t know what to do.
That being said, the process is very easy and can be done by pretty much any driver, including beginners. Generally, you’ll find a tire pressure gauge and an air compressor at the station. The tire pressure gauges may be different from one gas station to the other and some might be more modern and innovative but they work almost in the same way.
Here’s what to do.
Step 1: Go to a gas station that has an air compressor machine for filling tires. Pull the car up to the machine and place it at the center so that the air hose can reach all four tires.
Step 2: Check the recommended tire pressure of the car. It’s usually written on the driver’s door jamb or the car’s manual.
Step 3: Remove the tire air stem cap.
Step 4: Pull the air hose to the tire and fit its tip over the end of the air stem. Press it firmly on the stem valve for two seconds. The built-in pressure gauge will trigger the pressure reading bar.
Step 5: Read the pressure bar, which is marked with a series of lines and numbers, and determine the current PSI level in your tires.
Step 6: You can use the air compressor to add pressure if the PSI is below the recommended PSI or deflate if it’s above the recommended pressure. You can check the tire pressure again and repeat the process until you have the recommended pressure.
For accurate readings, you should make sure that the tires aren’t hot. You should especially pay attention to this during the hot season as the temperature can affect your tire pressure and give you wrong readings in the sense that hot temperatures can expand or overinflate your tires.
The table below shows how the surrounding temperatures can affect your tire pressure.
How to Change and Adjust Tire Pressure
Here are the steps to follow and adjust your tire pressure.
- Drive to a gas station and park your car by the air dispenser. Make sure that the air hose can reach all four tires.
- Remove the cap from the valve stem on the first tire and you’ll do the same for the rest.
- Use the tire gauge to check the air pressure in the tire.
- Have in mind the recommended tire pressure for your car.
- If it’s underinflated, use the air hose to add air in short bursts.
- Alternate between the gauge and the air compressor until you attain the recommended tire pressure
- If it’s overinflated, press the valve stem to remove air from the tire and use the gauge to measure until you achieve the recommended tire pressure.
How to Change High-Pressure Tire Valve Stem on a Car
The tire valve stem, which is used to inflate the tire, is an important component of the tire system. If it becomes faulty or begins to leak, the tire will no longer hold air. As such, you may not have any option but to replace the valve stem with a new one. Here’s what you should do.
- Loosen the lug nuts
- Raise the vehicle on jack stands
- Remove the wheel
- Deflate the tire
- Separate the tire’s bead from the wheel
- Lift the lip of the tire from the wheel
- Remove the tire
- Remove the valve stem
- Install the valve stem
- Reinstall the tire
- Inflate the tire
- Check for leaks
Why is My Tire Pressure Light Blinking?
Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) light will spring up on the dashboard when you start up the car. This is normal and it could remain that way for a while as you drive. This light should then go off after a few seconds. But what if the light remains for some time? Well, this could mean the following:
A leak in one or more tires – The lack of enough air pressure on one or more of your tires could mean that there’s a leak caused by a puncture. You can fill the tire up with air, but you need to get it serviced, fixed, or even replaced.
Changes in weather temperature – The air pressure in your car tires can drop if the surrounding temperatures drop and this can trigger the tire pressure light on your dashboard.
The tire pressure can also blink if the tire pressure sensor is faulty. This sensor uses batteries that could take up to 100,000 miles. The sensor is often attached to the inner part of the rim. You should consider replacing the batteries or the sensors altogether if they’re faulty.
More importantly, you should consider scheduling a service appointment and have your car checked as soon as possible.
Types of Tire Pressure Monitoring System
There are two types of TPMS:
Direct TPMS – It uses sensors that are placed on the wheels to measure the tire pressure of each tire. This sensor will trigger the tire pressure light on the dashboard if the tire pressure drops 25% below what’s recommended by the car manufacturer.
Indirect TPMS – This type of TPMS works with the car’s anti-braking system (ABS). It will relay information through the tire pressure light on the dashboard if any of the tire pressures is lower than the recommended tire pressure.
How Does Temperature Affect Tire Pressure?
You may have realized that your tire pressure seems to get low when the temperature drops and high when the temperature rises. Well, this is because the outside temperature can affect your tire pressure.
The air in your tires tends to take up more volume when the temperature is high while it takes up less volume when the temperature is low. The tire pressure will either drop by 1 PSI for every 10-degree drop in temperature or rise by 1 PSI for every 10-degree increase in temperature.
So whatever PSI is recommended for your car tires by the manufacturer, always remember that these numbers are set when the tires are cool and not when warmed up.
So What Does Check Tire Pressure Mean?
As noted earlier, the main aim of the TPMS light is to alert you when there is an issue with your tire pressure. When the light illuminates, it could mean that the tire is too low or over-inflated and could make driving unsafe. It could also mean that the tires are underinflated and could lead to premature tire wear and tire failure.
Why is My Tire Pressure Light on When My Car Tires are Fine?
Have you ever been in a situation where the tire pressure light turns on when the tires are just fine? Well, this can be stressful to any motorist but knowing exactly what to do might help.
But before going into the problems and solutions, you should first understand how the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) works in measuring your tire pressure. Having been around since the 1980s, the TPMS uses sensors on the car to alert you when the car has low tire pressure by displaying a warning on the dashboard so that you can have it checked out.
The TPMS technology has been a success in the U.S. and became mandatory on all vehicles after 2007 as part of the Transportation Recall Enhancement Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act.
What Does the Tire Pressure Light Look Like?
Generally, the TPMS light, which looks like a tire when viewed from with an exclamation mark inside it, will normally illuminate for a second or two when the car starts. The light may sometimes show the phrase “TPMS” and will disappear if your tires are perfect.
The TPMS Light Turns On
The TPMS light will blink or stay on if a tire has low pressure. This means that you should pull over as soon as possible and have the tire pressure on all wheels checked and filled as recommended.
Now, imagine a scenario where you’ve had all the tires checked and are fine but the TPMS light is still on! Well, this can be so frustrating. Let’s look at a few reasons why the low tire pressure light on the dashboard is on but the tires are fine.
Malfunctioning TPMS Sensor
The onboard batteries of the TPMS sensors typically have a lifespan of 5 to 10 years and are prone to damage as a result of age-related wear and tear. It can also malfunction at the end of its lifecycle. The sensors can also malfunction if there’s the presence of any other substance other than air and nitrogen in the tire.
Faulty ABS, ECU, or Wheel Speed Sensor
The wheel speed sensor is part of the Antilock Braking System (ABS). If any of these or the ECU is damaged, there’s a possibility that the information put together and the signal sent might be wrong.
Extreme Cold Weather
Tire pressure generally decreases during cold weather even if the tires are properly inflated and here’s why. In cold, the matter compresses while it expands in the heat. As such, low light can turn on even when the tires are fine but should disappear after a while once the tires become warm.
Recent Tire Change or Replacement
As noted earlier, the TPMS sensors are usually located on the wheels and chances are they can get damaged during the tire changing process. It’s also possible that the new tire doesn’t have the TPMS sensors and this can bring issues.
It’s, therefore, essential to ensure that the TPMS sensors are perfectly working after tire change or replacement.
Low Pressure in the Spare Tire
While most spare tires do not have TPMS, there are a few that may have the TPMS and your spare tire could be one of them. If this is the case, then you shouldn’t forget to keep the spare tire properly inflated as it can affect the low-pressure light on your dashboard even if it’s not in use.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light
You may have to reset the tire pressure light if it’s on even after refilling the tires as recommended and checking that everything with the tires is fine. You have to keep in mind that the process may vary greatly depending on the car’s make and model but you can find the exact procedure in the car’s owner’s manual.
The TPMS reset button is usually located on the console or inside the glove box. Once you locate the TPMS reset button, here’s what you need to do:
- Turn the key on but do not start the engine
- Hold and press the TPMS button for at least three seconds. Release it and the system should beep or produce an audible warning sound and turn off the low-pressure light.
- Start the engine and drive the car for 30 minutes to one hour at a speed of 19mph to complete the reset procedure.
- If the low-pressure lights are still on, you can consider replacing the TPMS sensors.
- You can drive to the nearest service center and have the TPMS system checked.
How to Reset Subaru Tire Pressure Light
Whether you’re in a mad dash to beat the traffic home or on a long trip with your Subaru, having the TPMS light spring up on your dashboard can be so worrying. After all, your tires and their proper inflation are among the most important things that keep your Subaru motoring.
The TPMS light will spring up on the dashboard if any of your tires has a problem or has a tire pressure of below 27 PSI. You have to keep in mind that the TPMS light doesn’t indicate which tire has an issue, so you have to check all the tires.
Here’s what to do to reset the Subaru tire pressure light. The following options apply to the Subaru models listed in the table below.
TPMS is standard on the following Subaru models.
Option 1
It’s normal for the TPMS light to appear for a second or two after you turn on the car. You should then drive for about 25 mph or more and the TPMS light will disappear. This is if your tires are properly inflated and in perfect condition.
You should also keep in mind that the outside temperature can affect how the air in your tires adjust to the proper temperatures. This can take a day or two and will require you to be patient. In short, give your tire time to adjust to the surrounding temperatures which can affect your tires and the TPMS light might spring up on your dashboard.
But if the TPMS light illuminates for more than 3 days, then you can have your car tires serviced and checked as it could potentially be a sensor issue or tire puncture.
Option 2
- Make sure that your car is on without starting the engine.
- Scroll the MENU button on the steering wheel up and down until SET is highlighted.
- Pull and hold the SET highlight until you see the MAINTENANCE menu.
- Select it and four options will appear: Oil filter, engine oil, tires, and maintenance schedule.
- Select Tires and press set.
- Drive for about 20 minutes and the TPMS light will disappear.
NOTE: You can repeat the steps if you are unable to reset the TPMS light of your Subaru on the first attempt. You can repeat the procedure. You should have the car serviced if the light persists or even contact your dealership for assistance.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Honda Civic 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
There are two ways to reset the TPMS light of your Honda Civic 2016 but this may depend on your trim level.
If your car doesn’t have a touchscreen:
- Make sure that your tire pressure is set with an accurate gauge.
- Do not start the car but put it in the on position.
- Press and hold the TPMS switch on the dashboard for 3 seconds. It’s located on the left side of the steering wheel.
- The calibration should be successful and the TPMS light should blink twice.
- Drive the car at 25 mph or faster for about 20 minutes and the TPMS light should go off.
If your car has a touchscreen:
- Make sure that you set the tire pressure accurately using the pressure gauge.
- Turn on the car but do not start it.
- Touch the info button on the steering wheel.
- Press the audio remote button and select vehicle settings.
- Use the audio remote button to select calibrate
- Calibration will begin and will be displayed on the screen
- Drive the car at 25 mph or faster for about 20 minutes and the TPMS light should go off.
Models with steering wheel buttons:
- Press Menu
- Select customize settings
- Select TPMS calibration
- Select initialize
- Select Yes
- Press Menu to exit
How to Reset Pressure Light on Honda Accord
Like any system in your Honda Accord, age and damage can cause issues with your car’s TPMS system. So if you’ve checked all the tire and air pressure and confirmed that everything is okay yet the TPMS light won’t go away, you can ask for help from an experienced mechanic.
You might have to replace the sensors in all the tires or a particular tire and have the system’s computer re-initialized by a tire professional who understands the system and can perfectly handle the process.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Honda Accord 2012
The 2008-2018 Honda Accord models, including the 2012 model, have the OBD-II compatible scan tool or the Honda Diagnostic System (HDS) that must be used to program the information in the TPMS sensor and the TPMS control unit.
Your car will have to exceed speeds of 28 mph for the tire pressure sensor to begin to transmit. This ID as well as the tire pressure will be transmitted via a radio frequency so that the sensor can enter the normal function mode.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Honda CRV
Here are a few things that you need to do before trying to reset the TPMS of your Honda CRV.
- Inflate the tires as recommended by the car manufacturer.
- Park the car and turn the ignition on without starting the engine.
For models with a touchscreen:
- Locate the TPMS reset button, which is located on the left side right under the dashboard.
- Press and hold the button until the low tire pressure blinks twice or thrice.
- Drive the car for about 20 minutes at a speed of 30 to 65 mph and the light should disappear.
For models with touchscreen:
- Go to settings
- Select “customize setting” or “vehicle”. You can skip if you don’t have these options.
- Select “TPMS Calibration”
- Choose “calibrate”
- Select “initialize”
- Select “yes”
- Drive the car for about 20 minutes and the TPMS reset should be complete.
How to Turn Off Low Tire Pressure Light in Ford Fusion
The reset button of a Ford Fusion is generally located under the steering wheel and is of great importance in turning off or resetting the low tire pressure. You should press and hold down this button until the low-pressure light blinks three times. You can then release the button and start the car. Drive it for about 20 minutes so that its computer system can re-calibrate the sensors.
This will only happen if you’ve confirmed that all the tires have enough air pressure as recommended by the car’s manufacturer and there are no issues with the tires as well as the tire pressure sensors.
How to Display Ford Fusion Tire Pressure
The recommended tire pressure for Ford Fusion is 32 PSI for both front and rear tires. The best way to check for tire pressure is through the tire pressure gauge.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure Light on Ford Focus
The first important thing to do when the TPMS light illuminates on your dashboard is to check the tire pressure of your Ford Focus and ensure that they’re inflated as recommended by the car’s manufacturer.
You should then drive the vehicle at a speed of 50 mph for about 10 minutes to reset the TPMS sensor. If this doesn’t work, you can turn on the car but do not start the engine. You should then locate the TPMS button, which is located beneath the steering wheel.
You can then hold the button until the TPMS light blinks three times. Release the button and the light should be off.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure Light on Ford Escape
The first and most important step is to ensure that all the tires are properly inflated. You can then turn the vehicle on and off three times while holding the brake pedal down for three seconds.
Release the brake pedal then turn on the car without starting the engine. You can then step on the brake and hold it for 2 seconds before releasing it. Lastly, switch off the car, wait for a second. Switch the car on and off three times in quick succession and the light should go off.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2010 Chevy Aveo 5, 2011 Chevy Malibu
The first thing is to ensure that all the tires are properly inflated as recommended by the car’s manufacturer. You can then turn on the vehicle without starting the engine. You should then locate and press down the reset button, which is located on the right side of the steering wheel until the TPMS light blinks three times.
You can then wait for 20 minutes for the sensors to refresh and the light will go off if the procedure is successful.
How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light on a 2008 Pontiac G6
You can use the following steps to reset the TPMS on the 2008-2010 Pontiac G6 models.
- Stop the car, turn off the engine, and apply the parking brake.
- Ensure that all the tires are properly filled as recommended on the placard.
- Turn on the car without starting the engine.
- Press and hold down the lock and unlock buttons on the Remote Keyless Entry until you hear the horn sound.
- Increase or decrease the tire pressure for 10 seconds starting with the front tire on the driver’s side, then the front tire on the passenger’s side, and do the same for the rear tires.
- You should then hear the horn sound to confirm the reset.
- You can then turn off the ignition, start the engine and drive for a few minutes to reset the TPMS light.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2001 Buick Century
There’s a fuse panel box on the corner of the dashboard on the passenger side of the car. Just take off the cover plate and you’ll find the TPMS reset button, which is quite small and red. Hold the button down until the low tire pressure blinks three times and you should be good to go as long as all your tires and sensors are in proper working condition.
How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light on Kia Optima
Make sure that all the tires are properly inflated as recommended by the manufacturer. You can then turn the car on without starting the engine. Press the TPMS button, located below the steering wheel until the TPMS light illuminates three times.
You can then stop, turn off the car, then on again. Lastly, start the engine and allow it to run for 20 minutes to reset.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure Light on 2002 Monte Carlo
- Make sure that all your tires are adjusted to the pressure that’s listed on the label.
- Press and hold the “TUNE DISP” button until “Settings” is displayed.
- Press the buttons until “RESET” is displayed.
- Press the “TUNE DISP” button to confirm when a message requesting acceptance appears.
- You’ll hear the horn sound as an indication that the sensors are in reset mode.
- Press the “TUNE DISP” button to exit.
- Drive for about 10 minutes at a speed of 20 mph to complete calibration.
- Turn off the car then turn it on to verify whether or not the TPMS has been reset.
How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light on a Ford Transit Connect (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
- Switch off the engine and apply the parking brake
- Turn on the car but do not start the engine
- Turn on the hazard flashers and then off three times within 10 seconds
- Decrease the tire pressure on the driver’s side front rear until you hear a horn sound.
- Do the same on the passenger’s side front tire and then on the passenger’s side rear tire and then on the driver’s side rear tire
- You’ll hear the confirmation horn chirp on all the tires to confirm that the reset is complete.
- You can then start the engine and then drive the car for about 20 minutes to complete the reset.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure Light on Ford F150
The Ford F Series is one of the most powerful and sophisticated Super Duty cars around. Its latest models have some of the most advanced materials like the ones found on military cars. That being said, it will take you about 17 minutes to reset the low tire pressure light.
Here’s what you should do.
- Drive the car for at least 5 minutes at a speed of 20 mph and then stop the car.
- Stop the car, switch the engine, and apply the parking brake.
- Turn the ignition on but do not start the engine
- Turn on the hazard flashers and then off three times within 10 seconds
- You will hear the horn sound once if the reset is successful
- Decrease the tire pressure of the front tire on the driver’s side for 10 seconds until you hear the sound of the horn.
- Do the same on the passenger’s side and repeat on the rear tires too.
- You’ll then hear the horn chirp as a confirmation that the reset is complete.
- Turn off the ignition and adjust the tire pressure as recommended by the car’s manufacturer.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2006 BMW 325i, BMW E60
- You can reset the tire pressure light on the 2006 BMW 325i
- Turn the key on but do not start the engine
- Hold down the reset button until the TPMS light blinks three times
- You should then drive the car for at least 10 minutes at a speed of 50 mph to reset the sensor.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on VW Jetta
Resetting the tire pressure light on the VW Jetta will take you about 7 minutes. Here’s what you should do.
- Stop the car completely.
- Ensure that all the tires are properly inflated as recommended by the car’s manufacturer.
- Turn on the car but do not start the engine.
- Locate and press down the reset button until you hear a sound.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure Light on 2013 Town and Country
Here's how to reset the low tire pressure light on the 2013 Chrysler Town and Country.
- Unscrew the valve stem caps on the vehicle’s tires.
- Attach the air nozzle at the end of the air compressor hose to the valve stem
- Ensure that you inflate the tires to the recommended tire pressure written on a placard on the driver’s door.
Having checked all the tires and ensured that they’re working properly, you can then retrain the sensor. All you have to do is to turn the key to the “on” position without starting the engine. Press the TPMS button and hold it until the tire pressure light blinks three times. You can then release it, start the car and drive it for about 20 minutes at a speed of about 15 mph for the TPMS sensor to reset.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2008 Lexus RX 350, 2017 Lexus RX, 2005 Lexus GX470
- Park the car and turn off the engine.
- Fill the tires as recommended on the placard.
- Turn on the car but do not start the engine.
- Press and hold the reset button until the TPMS light illuminates three times.
- Wait for three minutes and then turn on the engine
- Drive the car for about 10 minutes at a speed of 20 mph to reset the sensors.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Chevy Captiva Sports
- Inflate all the tires as recommended on the car’s placard
- Turn the car on but do not start the engine
- Press down the trip odometer button until “Learn Tire Pressures” is displayed
- Hold it down until you hear the horn sound
- Increase or decrease the tire pressure starting with the front side on the driver’s side then the front on the passenger’s side.
- Do the same for the rear tires
- Turn off the car then turn it on
- Start the engine and let it run for about 20 minutes
How to Turn Off Low Tire Pressure in Chevy Impala (2000-2005)
Like most cars in the US, the Chevrolet Impala has a TPMS light that notifies you of significant changes or issues with your tire pressure. But what if the TPMS light persists even after rectifying everything to do with your tire pressure? Well, here’s what you should do.
The Radio Method
- Turn the ignition on without starting the engine.
- Push the “Tune DISP” button on the radio and hold it on for 5 seconds or until it shows settings.
- Press the “Seek-Scan” button to scroll through the options the “Tire Mon” is displayed.
- Press the button to open another menu and the “Reset” button will appear.
- Press the “Tune DISPL” and reset the tire pressure system. You will hear a sound and “done” will appear on the screen.
- Scroll until “Exit” appears and press the Tune DISPL to finish the reset.
- The tire pressure system will recalibrate after you drive for about 20 minutes.
The Light Method
- Turn on the ignition but do not start the car engine.
- Pull and push the headlight switch on and off thrice.
- The TPMS should be reset and should recalibrate as you drive on.
How to Reset Tire Pressure on Chevy Silverado
Here’s how to reset the tire pressure light on Chevy Silverado.
- Confirm that the TPMS sensors are in perfect condition and are working properly
- Adjust the tire pressure as recommended in the placard value
- Apply the parking brake
- Turn on the vehicle but do not start the engine
- Scroll the up lever located on the right side of the steering wheel until “tire pressure” is displayed
- Push and hold the reset button until it blinks twice and the “tire learning active” will be displayed
- Use the tool to activate the right front sensor and repeat for all the other three sensors
- The tire pressure light will blink twice to complete the reset.
Where is the Tire Pressure Reset Button for Toyota Rav4, 2009 Toyota Avalon?
Like most Toyota models, the Rav4 has a direct TPMS system with sensors that communicate directly to the car’s ECU through the radiofrequency. These sensors are installed in the steering wheel with the TPMS reset button located either under the glove box or the steering wheel.
How to Turn Off the Tire Pressure Light of a Toyota RAV4
You’ll have to complete the following steps if you want to reset the tire pressure light of a Toyota RAV4.
- Park the car and turn off the engine
- Ensure that each tire has no issue and is adjusted to the correct PSI
- Turn the engine on but do not start it
- Press and howl the TPMS reset button until it blinks three times
- Turn off the engine; turn it back on, drive it for about 20 minutes at a speed of 30 mph and the tire pressure light should be turned off
How to Reset the TPMS on a 2007 Mini Cooper
- Start the engine
- Push the button on the end of the turn signal lever until “INFO/SET” is displayed on the dashboard
- Hold it down until the tire reset symbol appears
- The monitoring system is now initialized
- Turn off the engine and start it on then let it run for about 20 minutes to recalibrate the TPMS system
- Keep in mind that it doesn’t show a notification when the reset is complete
Where is the Tire Pressure Reset Button on a 2008 Toyota Highlander?
The TPMS reset button is located on the right side of the steering wheel on the instrument panel. To reset the TPMS light, just hold down the button until the TPMS light illuminates three times. You can then start the car and let it run until the light goes out.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Toyota Corolla 2013
- Make sure that the tire pressure in your car is accurate as recommended by the car manufacturer.
- Turn on the car but do not start the engine
- Press and hold the reset but on the right side of the steering wheel until the tire pressure light blinks three times.
- Release the button and drive the car for about 25 minutes to reset the sensors.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure on 2007 and 2009 Toyota Camry
To reset the low tire pressure on the 2007 and 2009 Toyota Camry, place the car to the “on” position without starting the engine. You can then press and hold the button, which is located below the steering wheel until the low tire pressure light blinks three times. You can then release and drive the car for about 20 minutes to reset the sensors.
How to Reset Pressure Light on Toyota 4Runner
Resetting the TPMS on a Toyota 4Runner is easy and should take just about 12 minutes of your time. The first and most important thing is to ensure that your PSI is at the recommended pressure of 32 PSI for the front tires and 35 PSI for the rear tires.
You then crank the engine, hold down the reset button, which is located on the dashboard on the right side of the steering wheel. Press it down until the tire pressure light illuminates three times as an indication that the sensors have been reset.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2008 Toyota Tacoma
Park the car in a safe spot and ensure that the tires are inflated to the correct pressure, which is 29 PSI for the front tires and 32 PSI for the rear tires. Start the engine and press and hold down the TPMS reset button, which is located on the left side of the steering wheel column.
Hold down the button until the TPMS light blinks three times. You can then wait for 5 minutes, turn off the car and then turn it back on to reset the tire pressure light.
How to Turn Off Tire Pressure Light on Jeep Wrangler
If the TPMS light on your Jeep Wrangler remains on after adjusting the tire pressure to the recommended level and the light still illuminates, you’ll have to reset it. Drive the car for about 10 minutes at a speed of 50 mph. If the light doesn’t go on, turn the key to the “on” position.
You should then press and hold down the TPMS reset button, which is located just beneath the steering wheel until it blinks three times before releasing it. You can then start the car and let it run for about 20 minutes to reset it.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2012, 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan
Ensure that all the tires are at the recommended tire pressure. You can then turn off the vehicle for about 20 minutes before starting the vehicle and driving it for about 30 minutes at a speed of 15 mph. You can then turn off the vehicle and then back on.
You should then find the TPMS reset button and hold it down until the low tire pressure light illuminates three times. Start the vehicle and let the engine run for about 25 minutes before turning it back off and then back on to reset the TPMS button.
Where is the Tire Pressure Reset Button for Toyota Highlander?
The TPMS switch of a Toyota Highlander is located under the dashboard on the right-hand side of the driver’s side. If you want to reset the TPMS light, press and hold it for about three seconds until the light flashes three times. This will only work if all the tires are properly inflated and in good working condition.
How Does the TPMS Work in 2013 Sienna?
The 2013 Toyota Sienna relies on a direct TPMS system. This means that the sensors are located on the wheels. If you have issues with your tire pressure, this sensor will send the information to the car’s ECU, which will then pass on the information to you by lighting up the TPMS light on the dashboard.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on VW Passat
The exact process of turning off the TPMS system may differ depending on the model and year of your car. The most important thing is to ensure that you check your tire pressure using the gauge to make sure that they’re properly inflated (and not over-inflated or underinflated) as recommended by your car manufacturer.
- You should then drive the car for about 20 minutes at 50 mph. This should help in resetting the sensor so that the TPMS light can go off.
- If the light persists, you can turn the car on without starting the engine.
- Locate the TPMS button, which is usually a tiny button located in the glove box or on the left side of the dashboard.
- Hold the button until it blinks three times before releasing.
- Start the car and drive it for 20 minutes to reset the sensor.
How to Reset VW Jetta Tire Pressure Light
The VW Jetta is equipped with both the direct and indirect TPMS system but this may depend on the model year. The indirect system doesn’t have sensors in the wheels and uses the ABS to relay information when the tire pressure is low in one or more tires.
On the other hand, a direct system has TPMS sensors installed in the wheels to relay information to the car’s ECU. Models ranging from 2011-2019 have indirect TPMS system and here’s what you should do to reset the tire pressure light:
- Make sure that all the tires are inflated, properly working, and have the right tire pressure as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Turn the ignition to the ON position without starting the engine
- Press the set button for about three seconds. It’s located in the glove box.
- The TPMS light should go off after an audible sound.
Models ranging from 2006 to 2010 have direct TPMS systems and this is what you should do:
- Inflate all the tires as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Apply the parking brake
- Let the car stand for about 20 minutes. This is to allow the control module to enter the learning mode.
- Drive the vehicle for about 30 minutes at a speed of 16 mph for it to recalibrate and register the sensor IDs.
How to Disable Tire Pressure Monitoring System on Dodge
The first step in resetting the tire pressure light on a Dodge Ram truck or any Dodge car for that matter is to resolve the main issue, which is to ensure that the tires are properly inflated as recommended by the manufacturer.
While there are no special tools required to disable the tire pressure light and the TPMS sensor, you need to properly format the TPMS to ensure that the sensor works perfectly.
- Inflate all the tires as recommended by the car manufacturer and ensure that they are properly working.
- Drive the vehicle for at least 20 minutes at a speed of 30 mph for the sensor to re-calibrate.
- If the TPMS light still illuminates, turn on the ignition but do not start the engine.
- Connect the scan tool to the car’s OBD II port and upload the sensor’s ID.
- Turn the ignition to the OFF position.
- Drive the car for about 20 minutes at a speed of 30 mph and the TPMS light should be off.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2006 Jeep Renegade
The most important thing is to ensure that your tires are in great working conditions and don't have any problem. Check for holes in them or any loose part and consider replacing them after every 30,000 miles.
To reset the tire pressure light on a 2006 Jeep Renegade, you should start by clicking the ignition “on” button without starting the engine. You should then click the TPMS reset button and do so until it flashes three times before releasing. You can then start the car and drive it for about 20 minutes at a speed of 30 mph for the sensor to reset.
How to Reset Nissan Tire Pressure Light
With the vehicle off, turn it to the on position without starting the engine. Hold the TPMS reset button, which is located beneath the steering wheel, until the tire pressure light blinks three times before releasing it. Start the car and wait for about 20 minutes for the TPMS sensor to rest.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2017 Toyota Matrix
You’ll need about 7 minutes to reset the low tire pressure light on a Toyota Matrix (2007-2017). You have to ensure that the TPMS sensors are properly working and that the tires are filled as recommended on the car’s tire pressure placard.
You can then stop the car, park it in a safe spot, switch off the engine, and apply the parking brake. Switch on the car but do not start the engine. You should then locate the tire set button, which is located just behind the steering wheel. Press it down until the TPMS light blinks three times.
You can then wait for about 3 minutes to switch on the car and turn the engine to the “LOCK” or “ACC” position.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on 2008 GMC Yukon
You can use the following steps to reset the TPMS sensor on your GMC Yukon (2008-2011).
- Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine, and apply the parking brake.
- Turn on the vehicle without starting the engine.
- Locate the lock and unlock buttons on the Remote Keyless Entry.
- Press the buttons until you hear the horn sound.
- Decrease or increase tire pressure beginning with the front tire on the driver’s side until you hear the horn sound
- Do the same on the front tire on the passenger side and the rest of the tires.
- You should hear a confirmation horn sound when the process is done. You can then turn off the car, wait for a few minutes, start the engine and drive for about 10 minutes at a speed of 20 mph to reset the sensors.
How to Reset Tire Pressure Light on Mazda CX-5
Park the car and firmly apply the parking brake. Let the tires cool for about three hours and ensure that the tire pressures on all tires are adjusted as recommended by the car’s manufacturer.
Switch on the car ignition but do not start the engine. Press and hold the tire pressure until the tire pressure light illuminates twice with a beeping sound once.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure on Hyundai Elantra
In addition to inspecting your tires once every month, you should make sure that you change your tires every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. You should also ensure that your tires are in the best condition. You should check for any part that might be loose, premature tire wear, or for holes, just in case you run over a sharp object.
If the tires are in the best condition with no issues, you can then reset the TPMS of the Hyundai Elantra by turning the key on without starting the car. You should then hold the TPMS reset button until the tire pressure light blinks three times. You can then start the car, drive for about 20 minutes and the sensor will reset accordingly.
How to Reset Low Tire Pressure on Kia Sportage, Kia Forte, Kia Sorento
- Turn on the car without starting the engine.
- Hold down the low tire pressure reset button, which is located in the glove box or under the steering wheel, until it illuminates thrice.
- Release the button, start the car, and let run for about 20 minutes to reset the sensors.
What is the Best Tire Pressure for BFGoodrich All-Terrain KO2?
BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 tires come in about 96 tire sizes with a load capacity ranging from 1,764 to 4,079 pounds. The tire inflation may vary depending on the load range or tire load index. The inflation and load values are printed on the sidewall of tires. You shouldn’t over inflate the tire beyond the maximum inflation and load capacity values as indicated on the sidewall of the tires.
The table below shows a few of the best tire pressures for BFGoodrich All-Terrain KO2.
How to Check Air Pressure in Massey Ferguson 1533 Rear Tractor Tire Filled with Calcium
Check the tire pressure for tractors or any calcium/liquid-filled tires can make a complete mess if you don’t know what to do and the calcium can spew out. The best thing to do is start by placing the valve at the 12:00 position. You can then inject a pulse of compressed air into the valve.
This is to help in blowing the liquid out of the stem and back into the tire. You can then check the pressure using the tire pressure gauge. If the liquid still comes out, it means that it’s overflowing and you should drain it a bit to the right level.
How Much Pressure Should You Set in a Tractor Tire Bead?
The tire pressure of a tractor should be based on the axle loads being carried as well as the level of ground pressure required. For example, a tractor may need 12 PSI if it’s being used for cultivation and drilling work.
Should I Increase Tire Pressure when Hauling Heavy Load?
If you’re planning to use your car or vehicle for hauling a heavy load, make sure that you have a little extra air in the tires to help in maintaining the tires’ profile and contact area with the road. Of course, it may not be worth the hassle if you anticipate that it may interfere with your vehicle’s handling and also if you’re hauling for a short distance.
The main aim should be to ensure that you do not underinflate when towing as the sidewalk of your tires will flex and this can generate heat, thereby damaging the tires, which could potentially lead to a blowout. Again, your vehicle may not be stable hauling a heavy load on a lower PSI. With that in mind, you should inflate your tires to the maximum cold pressure as listed on the sidewall of the tire when hauling a heavy load.
Tire Pressure when Towing a Travel Trailer
When it comes to the right tire pressure when towing a travel trailer, there is lots of math involved and the 91% rule can be quite confusing if you are not-so-much into mathematics. That being said, you should consider adding about 5-6 PSI above the recommended tire pressure for your towing purposes.
For example, if your recommended tire pressure is 35 PSI, you should make it 40 or 41 PSI for your towing purposes.
What is the Proper Tire Pressure for a Boat Trailer?
Boat trailer tires require a lot of air pressure and maintaining the right trailer tire PSI is always important to towing safety. Generally, the right tire pressure for a boat trailer should range somewhere between 50 to 65 PSI and should always be the maximum-rated PSI for that tire, which is printed right on the sidewall of the tire.
What Should Tire Pressure be in Winter?
Maintaining the correct tire pressure during winter is just as important as maintaining the right tire pressure in other seasons. Cars typically require a tire pressure of 30 t0 35 PSI. However, a significant drop in the surrounding temperature can cause a significant drop in your tire pressure.
But because maintaining the right levels of tire pressure as recommended by the carmaker is of great importance in providing maximum performance and safety, you should regularly check your tire pressure and ensure that it is at the recommended level.
What Should Tire Pressure be when Driving in Snow?
If you have plans to drive on a lot of snow during winter, it’s advisable that you maintain your car’s recommended tire pressure, whether it is 32 PSI or 35 PSI. This will ensure that your car is more predictable and less prone to oversteer.
What Should My Tire Pressure be in the Summer?
When looking at how to properly maintain your car during summer, the first thing that should go to your mind is how the outside heat may affect your tire pressure. If your recommended tire pressure is 32 to 35 PSI when cold, this is what you should maintain during summer.
However, you have to always check your tire pressure and make sure that it’s not negatively impacted by the outside heat, which will over-inflate your tires. For consistent tire-pressure reading, you can have your car parked for about three hours before the tire pressure check.
What Should be Your Tire Pressure when Racing?
It doesn’t matter the type of racing car that you drive; having the right tire pressure for that particular car is of great importance in maximizing your racing performance and your enjoyment too. And because each racing car is unique, the table below offers ideal pressure ranges for specific car tires.
What Should be the Tire Pressure when Off-Road?
There are a few reasons why it’s important to lower your tire pressure when going off-road. First, it improves the traction of the vehicle by ensuring that more rubber is on the ground. Secondly, it greatly enhances the comfort of the vehicle, especially if you’re driving across rough terrains. This is because it helps in increasing how the suspensions work, which is essential for the comfort of those in the vehicle.
Lastly, lowering your tire pressure when driving off-road offers a softer impact that helps in protecting the terrain in which you’re driving the car.
That being said and depending on the terrain that you’re driving, 25 to 28 PSI can be ideal for your off-road escapades. You can even consider lowering it to 20 PSI if you’re driving through rocks, mud, and sand.
What is the Tire Pressure for a Nissan Altima?
The recommended tire pressure for a Nissan Altima, which is operating under normal temperature conditions, should be 32 PSI for the front tires and 33 PSI for the rear tires.
What Does Asterisk Mean on a 2008 Nissan Pathfinder Tire Pressure?
This could simply be an indication that your tire pressure is below the recommended tire pressure level.
What Should Tire Pressure be for Hyundai Sonata 2016?
Hyundai Sonata models are available from 2015 to 2021 and have a recommended tire pressure ranging from 30 to 35 PSI depending on the model year, original equipment tire size, and trim.
That being said, the recommended tire pressure for the Hyundai Sonata 2016 is 34 PSI for the front tires and 35 PSI for the rear tires.
The table below highlights tire size and tire pressure for front and rear tires
What Should Tire Pressure be for Hyundai Sonata 2015?
The recommended tire pressure for Hyundai Sonata 2015 is 34 PSI for both the front and rear tires but this may depend on the tire size and trim level.
What is the Correct Tire Pressure for a Honda Odyssey?
The recommended tire pressure for Honda Odyssey is 32 PSI for front tires and 35 PSI for rear tires. This is essential in enhancing your fuel economy and in ensuring that your tires don’t wear prematurely.
Why Does the Infiniti QX30 Have Different Tire Pressure for Front and Rear Tires?
Like in most cars, the tire pressures are generally higher in front tires than rear tires. This is to compensate for the additional weight of the engine and the transmission, particularly if your car is a front-wheel-drive.
But in the case of Infiniti QX30 (and many other cars in this article), the front tires tend to have lower pressure. This is essential in improving the tire wear on rear-wheel-drive cars. Such cars generally have less weight over the front tires.
Differently, some cars have the same tire pressure for both front and rear tires. This is because they have a 50:50 weight distribution between the front and rear tires. All in all, the recommended tire pressure will greatly depend on the load of the car.
What is the Average Tire Pressure for an SUV?
It may depend on the model of the vehicle, tire size, trim level, and equipment but the average tire pressure for an SUV should range between 30 and 35 PSI.
What is the Tire Pressure for a Cadillac Escalade?
As an SUV that’s available in 6 trims with models ranging from 2005 to 2021, the recommended tire pressure often ranges from 30 to 36 PSI and will depend on the model year, trim, and tire size.
With that in mind, the table below shows the recommended tire pressure for the Cadillac Escalade Base Model.
What is the Tire Pressure for a BMW 328i?
A passenger car that’s offered in six trim with models ranging from 2007 to 2016, the recommended tire pressure will depend on the model year. The recommended tire pressure for the 2016 BMW 328i is 32 PSI for front tires and 36 PSI for rear tires.
What is the Tire Pressure for a Chevy Cruze?
The Chevy Cruze generally uses tubeless radial tires, which are sturdy and offer a comfortable and smoother ride. For such tires, the recommended tire pressure ranges between 30 and 35 PSI.
What is the Recommended Tire Pressure for Honda CRV?
The recommended tire pressure for the 2010 Honda CRV is 30 PSI for both rear and front tires.
What is the Correct Tire Pressure for a Mercedes Benz C300?
The C-Class Mercedes variant has differing tire pressure depending on the model, tire size, and equipment. For the C300, the recommended tire pressure for the front tire should be 36 PSI if it’s unloaded and 39 PSI if it’s loaded. The rear tire pressure should be 36 PSI for unloaded and 46 PSI if it’s loaded.
What Should the Tire Pressure be on the GMC Terrain?
The base model for the 2018 GMC Terrain is 17-inch. With a tire size of p255/70r17, the recommended tire pressure should be 35 PSI for both front and rear tires.
What Should be the Tire Pressure on Kia 2016?
The recommended tire pressure for Kia Sorento models such as 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 is 34 PSI for both front and rear tires.
What Should be the Tire Pressure on a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500?
The normal wheel for the 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 is 17-inch silver aluminum wheels. With that, the recommended tire pressure is 32 PSI for front tires and 35 PSI for rear tires.
What is the Proper Tire Pressure for Ford Escape?
The recommended tire pressure for a Ford Escape should range between 35 and 44 PSI depending on the tire size, load size, and trim level.
Here are the proper tire pressures for other car models.
About The Author

Charles Redding
I've spent many years selling cars, working with auto detailers, mechanics, dealership service teams, quoting and researching car insurance, modding my own cars, and much more.
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